Our Team

Our Team

Ours is an international team, everyone brings an absolutely high value. Stefano from Italy is our eyes on the world, Kessy an expert on Tanzanian territory, Evans and Fibi from Kenya, where they have been successfully leading the same activity in Rich Farmr Kenya for years.






The Frequently asked Question

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Rich Farming Concept is a modernized system of agriculture that is designed to help smallholder farmers to produce more food through space optimization technologies and practices. This concept is born out of the realization of the importance of rural farmers to the country’s food security. It is therefore designed to help generate more profits for the farmer while giving them tools, skills and knowledge to produce safer and higher quantities of food hence directly contributing to food security in Kenya and Africa. It is a concept aimed at bringing a mentality change, especially in small holder farmers, from the traditional subsistence agriculture to modern, high productivity Agribusiness.

To solve food insecurity in Tanzania and the rest of Africa. Do you know that over 2 billion people in the world are not getting safe, nutritious and sufficient food? It is our noble responsibility as farmers to increase our productivity and ensure these people eat.