About Us

Welcome to Richfarmtanzania

healthy & quality standard farm

Richfarmtanzania originated from California and are seedless. Therefore, the only available method of propagating this variety in Tanzania is by grafting. This brings forth another advantage in that the grafted seedlings mature faster. Grafted pixie oranges will mature after 2 to 3 years depending on how well they are taken care of. At first, each tree will give a few fruits; about 30 to 50 fruits. This production increases every year as the branches grow wider. The highest yield is attained in the 4th or 5th year in which each pixie tree can give up to 300 fruits; about 60 kgs per tree.

100 +

Kind of plant

120 +

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About Us

hygienic Farm & Expert Farmer

Richfarmtanzania was born out of a very rough start in agribusiness by 4 young Tanzanians who believed that vast opportunities in the sector awaited those who had the courage to go take them. But being young, uninformed and seriously incapacitated financially, every single challenge was a huge obstacle for us: tricked into leasing land for way much higher than the actual cost, led to buying overgrown seedlings, lost 6 acres of crop to cows and zebras despite being assured of security, landing in the hands of merciless buyers… we faced it all.

But as they say now, we faced all those challenges on behalf of our beloved farmers. Indeed, every single product we developed has its foundation on the lessons we learned through those challenges.